
Age 4 by October 1st

Our Pre-K class provides an enriched environment allowing children the opportunity to gain knowledge through “Active Learning” giving children many opportunities to create with their own ideas and explore new and enriching materials. We want children to feel successful, confident, and also become “thinking learners.”

“Active Learning” to us means participating in your day. We know, just like adults, if you are interested in something, you are going to invest a lot of your time and attention to it. If you like dinosaurs and have the opportunity to make your own dinosaur museum, you may want to do some research in books and write names for your dinosaurs. You may want to display our 50 giant dinosaurs on big blocks with plants all around. You may want to make tickets for other kids to come and visit your museum. You may even use our clay to make dinosaur fossils with their footprints. And as visitors come to your museum, you have a pointer and give information about dinosaurs that you have researched. And what is so fun about all of this is that you’re planning it with several friends, who also love dinosaurs!

This is a very common example of how our curriculum evolves and how the teachers are masters at extending learning for kids. These are their first stepping stones toward becoming a responsible, capable person. We want these to be the best possible steps they can take!

Class Days & Times

Available Monday thru Friday from 9am - 1pm

Every class has a “Meet Your Teacher Day” at the end of August.

Classes begin the first week of September and end the last part of May.

Major holidays follow the Jefferson County school calendar

Tuition and Fees

Tuition is based on one set fee divided into 9 monthly payments.

The Annual Registration Fee for each classroom covers: registration, materials, and field trips.

Child Priority is a participating Universal Pre-K Program (“UPK”) provider, therefore funding is available for all qualifying 4-year-olds through the State of Colorado.


Main Classroom: 22 children/day, 2 qualified teachers and 1 - 3 parent helpers

West Wing: 12 children/day, 1 - 2 qualified teachers and 1 parent helper

Child must be potty-trained

Waiting List

It is highly recommended all interested families fill-out an enrollment application via the “Enrollment” page as early as possible to be placed on our waiting list for future enrollment. No fee is required to be placed on our wait list. Once a family is enrolled at Child Priority, a child is guaranteed a spot into the next years classroom.

3 days per week:


2025 - 2026 Pre-K Class Tuition

4 days per week:


2025 - 2026 Pre-K Class Tuition

5 days per week:


2025 - 2026 Pre-K Class Tuition

Child Priority is a participating Universal Pre-K Program (“UPK”) provider, therefore funding is available for all qualifying 4-year-olds through the State of Colorado.

